Haven's Kitchen is a recreational cooking school based out of New York City. Their goal was to make cooking less intimidating, easier, and more fun, with classes that help people really cook, not just follow recipes.
In 2017, founder Alison Cayne wanted to take the HK mission a step futher, and created a line of delicious sauces with fresh, natural ingredients. These sauces easily elevate any meal with complex vibrant flavors, and you can get them at your local Whole Foods.
The sauces themselves are the star of this packaging, with the incredibly vivid natural colors showing through the squeeze pouch. The squeeze pouch itself insures that home-cooks will get to the very last drop of sauce.
A very light logo refresh emerged from this packaging exercise, as the monogram for the storefront location was very decorative, and there wasn't a use-case for a small version of the logo.